The picture shows the solar panels that power all of the appliances in Joaquin's house.

Joaquin is using his oven to bake cookies for his family. What energy transformations occur that enable him to bake cookies?

heat energy → light energy → heat energy
light energy → electrical energy → chemical energy
light energy → electrical energy → heat energy
heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

c - light energy → electrical energy → heat energy


light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

The correct answer is:

c) light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.


The solar panels in the picture harness sunlight, which is a form of light energy, and convert it into electrical energy. This electrical energy is then used to power the oven, which converts the electrical energy into heat energy, allowing Joaquin to bake cookies. Therefore, the energy transformations involved are from light energy to electrical energy and then from electrical energy to heat energy.

The correct answer is option C: light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.

To understand why, let's break down the energy transformations involved:

1. Light energy: The Sun emits light energy, which is captured by the solar panels on Joaquin's house.

2. Electrical energy: The solar panels convert the captured light energy into electrical energy. This conversion occurs through the photovoltaic effect, where the photons from sunlight knock electrons loose from atoms in the solar panel material, generating an electric current.

3. Heat energy: The electrical energy generated from the solar panels is used to power the oven. Inside the oven, electrical energy is converted into heat energy through electrical resistances or heating elements. The heat generated in the oven then allows Joaquin to bake the cookies.

So, the energy transformations that occur during the process of Joaquin baking cookies are: light energy being transformed into electrical energy, and then electrical energy being transformed into heat energy. Therefore, the answer is option C.