Kendra’s age is half the age of Justin. Kendra is 13 years old.

To determine Justin's age, we can use the given information that Kendra's age is half the age of Justin.

Step 1: Let's assume Justin's age is X.
Step 2: Since Kendra's age is half of Justin's age, her age is X/2.
Step 3: According to the problem, Kendra is 13 years old. Therefore, X/2 = 13.
Step 4: To find the value of X, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2: X = 13 * 2.
Step 5: Calculating the equation, we find that X = 26.

So, Justin is 26 years old.

If Kendra's age is half the age of Justin and Kendra is 13 years old, then Justin's age would be 26 years old.

To find out Justin's age, we need to multiply Kendra's age by 2 since Kendra's age is half the age of Justin.

Step 1: Kendra's age is 13 years old.
Step 2: Multiply Kendra's age by 2.

13 * 2 = 26

Justin is 26 years old.