Generate an image of an arithmetic-themed scene. It should feature items that represent the concept of fractions and age comparison, perhaps two similarly-styled clocks of different sizes. Two abstract characters can represent 'Kendra' and 'Justin' - 'Kendra', a smaller character illustrating a young Caucasian female, and 'Justin', a larger one representing a contrastingly older Caucasian male.

Kendra's age is half the age of Justin. Kendra is 13 years old. Which of the following equations represents

Justin's age, a? (1 point)

The given information states that Kendra's age is half the age of Justin. It also mentions that Kendra is 13 years old. To find Justin's age, we can use the equation:

a/2 = 13

Therefore, the correct equation that represents Justin's age is:

a = 26

To answer this question, we need to use the given information to set up an equation. We know that Kendra's age, which is 13, is half of Justin's age.

Let's set up the equation:

Kendra's age = Justin's age / 2

Since Kendra's age is given as 13, we can substitute it into the equation:

13 = Justin's age / 2

To find Justin's age, we can solve this equation for Justin's age, which is a.

Multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

2 * 13 = Justin's age

26 = Justin's age

Therefore, the equation that represents Justin's age, a, is a = 26.

Let a represent Justin's age.

The equation that represents Justin's age can be written as:

a = 2 * Kendra's age

Since Kendra is 13 years old, her age can be substituted in the equation:

a = 2 * 13