Kendra’s age is half the age of Justin. Kendra is 13 years old. Which of the following equations represents Justin’s age, a ?(1 point) Responses 13a = 2 13 a equals 2 a + 1/2 = 13 a plus Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction equals 13 1/2a = 13 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction a equals 13 2a = 13

The correct equation that represents Justin's age is 2a = 13.

The equation that represents Justin's age, a, is:

2a = 13

To find Justin's age, we need to consider that Kendra's age is half the age of Justin. Kendra is 13 years old, so her age can be represented as K = 13.

Knowing this, we can set up an equation to represent Justin's age, which we'll represent as a. The equation is: K = (1/2)a

Plugging in Kendra's age, we have: 13 = (1/2)a

To find Justin's age, we need to solve for a. Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to cancel out the fraction: 2 * 13 = 2 * (1/2)a

This simplifies to: 26 = a

So, the equation representing Justin's age is: a = 26.