A mathematical visual concept expressing ages. Visualize one full circle labeled 'Justin's Age', and half of another circle labeled 'Kendra's Age'. The circle representing Kendra's age is filled with number 13, implying Kendra is 13 years old. The circle representing Justin's age implies that it is double of Kendra's. Please ensure there's no text showing the exact equation representing Justin's age.

Kendra’s age is half the age of Justin Kendra is 13 years old. Which of the follow equations represents Justin’s age a?

a. 2x = 13

b. x + 13 = 0
c. x = 13 + 2
d. x = 26

Answer: d. x = 26

Let's assume Justin's age as "x". According to the given information, Kendra's age (13 years old) is half of Justin's age.

Therefore, the equation representing Justin's age is:

x = 2 * Kendra's age

Substituting Kendra's age (13 years old), the equation becomes:

x = 2 * 13

Simplifying the equation:

x = 26

So, Justin's age is 26.

To find Justin's age, we need to set up an equation using the information given. Let's assume Justin's age as 'a'.

We know that Kendra's age is half the age of Justin, which means Kendra's age is half of 'a'.

Given that Kendra is 13 years old, we have the equation:

13 = 0.5 * a

To find Justin's age, we need to solve for 'a'.

To do that, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.5:

13 / 0.5 = a

Simplifying, we get:

26 = a

Therefore, the equation that represents Justin's age is:

a = 26