What does the phrase " The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" mean?

A. Buck was eager to fight his rival.
B. Buck followed his deepest instincts.
C. Buck gained physical strength.

B. Buck followed his deepest instincts.

B. Buck followed his deepest instincts.

The phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" suggests that Buck, the character being referred to, was strongly driven by his basic instincts and animal nature. To understand the meaning of this phrase, it is important to break it down:

1. "Dominant" suggests that this aspect of Buck's nature was the most influential and prevailing trait within him.
2. "Primordial" refers to something ancient and primal, relating to the earliest stages of existence. In this case, it indicates that the instincts and behaviors observed in Buck are deeply rooted in his primitive nature.
3. "Beast" symbolizes wildness, untamed qualities, and a lack of civilized behavior.

Given this, option B, "Buck followed his deepest instincts," is the most appropriate answer. It captures the idea that Buck was guided by his primal urges and natural inclinations, indicating a strong connection to his animalistic side.