"Phamtom that red inside all white like something you ride a sled down"

"Phantom that red inside all white like something you ride a sled down"

In this phrase, it seems like a description or an analogy is being made about a mysterious and striking object. The object being referred to is called a "phantom," which is described as having a red interior within an overall white exterior. The last part of the phrase compares this mysterious object to something one might ride a sled down.

Overall, the phrase presents an image of something visually captivating and enigmatic, possessing a mix of elegance and thrill.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're referring to. Could you please provide more context or clarification for your question?

The phrase you mentioned seems to be a line from a popular song called "Coca Cola." The complete line is "Phantom that red inside all white like something you ride a sled down." This line is describing the appearance of a drink, which is red inside but covered in white, resembling a sled ride down a snowy hill.

If you have any specific questions related to this line or the song, feel free to ask!