What type of propaganda is the following poster using? Join the Cro • Bandwagon • Plain Folks • Testimonial • Name-Calling

Based on the given information, it is not possible to determine the type of propaganda used in the poster. The provided options (Cro, Bandwagon, Plain Folks, Testimonial, Name-Calling) do not provide enough context or details about the content of the poster.

Based on the information provided, it is not possible to determine the type of propaganda used by the poster. Each of the techniques mentioned - Bandwagon, Plain Folks, Testimonial, and Name-Calling - are separate forms of propaganda, and without visual or contextual information about the poster, it is not possible to determine which specific technique it utilizes.

To determine the type of propaganda used in a poster, we need to analyze its characteristics. Let's break down each of the propaganda techniques mentioned:

1. Join the Crowd (Bandwagon): This technique aims to persuade people to join a cause or support an idea because "everyone else is doing it." It creates a sense of belonging and peer pressure.

2. Plain Folks: This technique presents the speaker or the cause as being from the same background as the audience. It attempts to create a relatable and down-to-earth image, appealing to the everyday person.

3. Testimonial: This technique uses endorsements or testimonials from influential or well-known people to persuade the audience. It implies that if respected individuals support the cause, the audience should too.

4. Name-Calling: This technique involves using derogatory language or negative labels to create a negative perception of someone or something. It seeks to undermine credibility and manipulate emotions.

Based on the information given, we cannot determine the specific type of propaganda used in the poster since we don't have the visual context or content. However, these are the potential types of propaganda that could be present. To accurately identify the type, you would need to provide further details or information about the specific poster in question.