What does the phrase “The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck” mean?

Buck was eager to fight his rival.
Buck followed his deepest instincts.
Buck gained physical strength.

The phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" means that Buck's natural, animalistic instincts and characteristics were prevailing and powerful. This implies that Buck's primal nature and survival instincts were significant influences on his behavior and actions.

The phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" means that Buck's innate, animalistic nature was powerful and prevalent within him. It suggests that Buck's instincts and wild side were dominant and influential in his behavior and decision-making. This phrase does not specifically imply anything about Buck's eagerness to fight his rival or gaining physical strength, although these qualities could be connected to his primal nature.

The phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" means that Buck's primitive, instinctual nature was very powerful. It suggests that Buck was deeply in touch with his animalistic instincts and behaved according to them.

To understand the meaning of this phrase, we can break it down:

1. "Dominant": This means that Buck's animalistic nature was in control and had a strong influence over his actions.
2. "Primordial": This indicates that Buck's instincts were ancient and deeply ingrained in him, representing the primitive nature of his being.
3. "Beast": Referring to Buck's animal nature, emphasizing his raw, untamed essence.
4. "Was strong": This indicates that Buck's instinctual side was very powerful, suggesting that he was driven by primal urges.

In the given context, Buck's eagerness to fight his rival and his behavioral alignment with his deepest instincts both support the understanding that he was strongly influenced by his dominant primordial beast. Additionally, it is reasonable to infer that being in touch with this beastly nature could have contributed to Buck gaining physical strength, as primal instincts often link to heightened physical capabilities.