Below is an excerpt from an informational essay that a student wrote.%0D%0A %0D%0ABased on a recent study, school lunches have been shown to be an important factor for students in schools. Students that eat a healthy lunch perform better on high stakes tests and are reportedly healthier and happier. Furthermore, good nutrition is important for children in the developmental process. So really, it's pretty obvious how important it is to make school lunches number one!%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AWhich of the following is the best way to revise the underlined sentence for appropriate language while maintaining the same meaning?%0D%0A%0D%0AA. %0D%0AReally, it is pretty obvious how badly we need to do something with lunches.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AB. %0D%0AIn conclusion, it is important that schools prioritize nutrition in order to maximize the benefits to children.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AC. %0D%0AWe need to do something, because obviously we need better lunches badly.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AD. %0D%0AStudents perform better at a statistically significant level when they are provided with something to eat.

B. In conclusion, it is important that schools prioritize nutrition in order to maximize the benefits to children.

The best way to revise the underlined sentence for appropriate language while maintaining the same meaning would be:

B. In conclusion, it is important that schools prioritize nutrition in order to maximize the benefits to children.

To revise the underlined sentence for appropriate language while maintaining the same meaning, we need to find an option that is both clear and professional. Let's analyze each option:

A. "Really, it is pretty obvious how badly we need to do something with lunches."
This option uses informal language ("pretty obvious" and "do something") that is not suitable for an informational essay. It also lacks clarity.

B. "In conclusion, it is important that schools prioritize nutrition in order to maximize the benefits to children."
This option is clear and professional, making it a suitable revision. It maintains the meaning of emphasizing the importance of nutrition in school lunches.

C. "We need to do something, because obviously we need better lunches badly."
Similar to option A, this option uses informal and unclear language. It also introduces a repetitive use of the word "need".

D. "Students perform better at a statistically significant level when they are provided with something to eat."
While this sentence provides additional information, it does not maintain the same meaning as the original sentence. It focuses on the effect of being provided with food, rather than emphasizing the importance of school lunches for students.

Therefore, the best way to revise the underlined sentence for appropriate language while maintaining the same meaning is option B: "In conclusion, it is important that schools prioritize nutrition in order to maximize the benefits to children."