Can someone please check this asap im an 8th grade connexus student and this is supposed to be an arrgumentive essay

Should all schools provide education in arts, including music, art, and drama?

In recent times large amounts of school programs have decided to eliminate educational arts due to budget cuts. Instead, the school systems are now focused on English and math academic achievements.

I believe that all school systems should give students access to educational arts. These classes are very important for students throughout their education and career in addition they will discover their passion, develop important characteristics, as well as skill development.

Students who take part in educational arts have higher GPAs and lower dropout rates. These students also have higher standardized test scores. Educational achievements assist students in having higher self-esteem and confidence in other academic abilities.

Educational arts should not be eliminated from school districts. While some people think this will allow for a better budget cut for schools and more focus on other classes the best route for academic success is educational arts as it provides many academic skills.

First and foremost, educational arts help students discover their passion. Not every student may excel in traditional academic subjects like English or math. By providing access to arts education, schools allow students to explore their creativity and find their true calling. Whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or performing on stage, students can find joy and fulfillment in these activities. This can lead to increased motivation and engagement in school, as they have an outlet to express themselves and pursue their interests. Without access to arts education, many students may never discover their true potential or the career path that truly resonates with them.

Furthermore, educational arts play a crucial role in the development of important characteristics. Through these classes, students learn discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. They learn to practice regularly, to overcome challenges, and to work collaboratively with others. These skills are not only valuable in the arts, but in all aspects of life. Students who participate in arts education are more likely to develop a strong work ethic and the ability to work well with others. These characteristics will benefit them not only in their academic journey, but also in their future careers and personal lives.

Lastly, educational arts contribute to the development of important skill sets. Creativity and critical thinking are nurtured through arts education, as students are encouraged to think outside the box and develop their own unique perspectives. This can enhance problem-solving abilities and foster innovation. In addition, arts education often involves public performances or exhibitions, which help students build confidence in presenting themselves and their work. These communication and presentation skills are valuable in many professional fields and will be beneficial for students throughout their lives.

Opponents of arts education argue that it is a luxury that can be sacrificed in times of budget cuts. However, the benefits that students gain from arts education far outweigh the cost. Not only does it contribute to their personal and academic growth, but it also fosters a more well-rounded and holistic education. By providing access to educational arts, schools are ensuring that students have the necessary tools to succeed in their chosen path, whether it be in the arts, sciences, or any other field. It is the responsibility of schools to provide a comprehensive education that promotes the development of the whole child.

In conclusion, all schools should provide education in arts, including music, art, and drama. These classes allow students to discover their passion, develop important characteristics, and acquire valuable skill sets. By eliminating arts education, schools would be depriving students of opportunities for personal growth and limiting their potential. Arts education is not an extra or a luxury, but an essential part of a well-rounded education. It is time for schools to prioritize the importance of arts education and invest in the success and well-being of their students.