Which of the following is a example of proper food handling

A. Only clean the surface when you are done cooking
B. Place frozen foods on the countertop to thaw
C. Keep all the perishable foods inside cabinets
D. Keep your hands clean while you are cooking

D. Keep your hands clean while you are cooking

The correct answer is D. Keep your hands clean while you are cooking.

The correct answer is D. Keep your hands clean while you are cooking.

Proper food handling is crucial to ensuring food safety and preventing foodborne illnesses. By keeping your hands clean while you are cooking, you prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and other contaminants.

To get the answer to this question, you can evaluate each option and determine which one aligns with proper food handling practices. Let's break down the other options to understand why they are not examples of proper food handling:

A. Only clean the surface when you are done cooking: This option is not an example of proper food handling because it suggests cleaning the surface only after you finish cooking. In reality, it is essential to clean and sanitize surfaces before and after food preparation to prevent cross-contamination.

B. Place frozen foods on the countertop to thaw: This option is not an example of proper food handling. It is safer to thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator, microwave, or under running water. Leaving them on the countertop can allow bacteria to grow on the surface of the food before it fully thaws.

C. Keep all the perishable foods inside cabinets: This option is not an example of proper food handling. Perishable foods, such as meat, dairy products, and cut fruits or vegetables, should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them at a safe temperature and prevent bacterial growth.

So, by analyzing the options, we can see that the correct answer is D. Keeping your hands clean while you are cooking is an essential practice to maintain food safety.