Suppose you earn $7.25 per hour working part-time for a florist. Write and solve an inequality to find how many full hours you must work to earn at least $125.00. (1 point)

O at least 15 hours
O at least 18 hours
O at least 20 hours
O at least 25 hours

Let's assume the number of hours you work is represented by "h".

We can write the inequality as:
7.25h ≥ 125

To solve for "h", we divide both sides of the inequality by 7.25:
h ≥ 125/7.25

Using a calculator to find the decimal value, we get:
h ≥ 17.24

Since you can't work a fraction of an hour, you would need to work at least 18 hours to earn at least $125.00.

So the answer is: At least 18 hours.

To find the minimum number of hours needed to earn at least $125.00, we can set up and solve an inequality.

Let x represent the number of hours worked.

Given that the hourly wage is $7.25, we can write the inequality:

7.25x ≥ 125

To solve for x, divide both sides of the inequality by 7.25:

x ≥ 125 / 7.25

Using a calculator to evaluate this division, we find that x is approximately 17.24 hours.

Since the number of hours worked must be a whole number, the minimum number of full hours needed to earn at least $125.00 is 18 hours.

Therefore, the correct answer is: At least 18 hours.

To solve this problem, we need to determine how many full hours you must work to earn at least $125.00.

Let's define the variable "h" to represent the number of hours you work.

Since you earn $7.25 per hour, the amount you earn in "h" hours can be calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours worked:


To find the number of full hours needed to earn at least $125.00, we need to set up an inequality.

The inequality should indicate that the amount earned (7.25h) is greater than or equal to $125.00.

Therefore, the inequality is:

7.25h ≥ 125

To solve for "h", we need to isolate the variable.

To do this, we divide both sides of the inequality by 7.25:

(h ≥ 125 / 7.25)

Now, we can evaluate the right side of the equation:

(h ≥ 17.24)

Since we can't have a fraction of an hour, we round up to the nearest whole hour.

Therefore, you must work at least 18 hours (O at least 18 hours) to earn at least $125.00.