Jacqueline has two part-time jobs. She earns $10 per hour, l, working as a lab assistant, and $14 per hour, s, working as a cashier. This is modeled by 10+ 14s. Evaluate for (=5 and s=7 to find how much money Jacqueline will earn at her two jobs this week.

A. 148$
B. 252$
C. 140$
D. 52$

To evaluate the expression 10 + 14s, substitute s = 7:

10 + 14(7) = 10 + 98 = 108

Jacqueline will earn $108 as a cashier.

To find her earnings as a lab assistant, substitute l = 5:

10(5) = 50

Jacqueline will earn $50 as a lab assistant.

Adding her earnings at both jobs:

$108 + $50 = $158

So, Jacqueline will earn $158 at her two jobs this week.

None of the given answer choices is correct.

Simplify 8a 11c + 13b+3c-6a + 5b.

When writing your answer make sure to...
*Combine the variables first and your constant term last.
**Don't use any spaces when typing in your answer!
***If combining more than one variable they should follow alphabetical order.

To simplify 8a 11c + 13b + 3c - 6a + 5b, first, combine like terms:

Combining the terms with 'a':
8a - 6a = 2a

Combining the terms with 'c':
11c + 3c = 14c

Combining the terms with 'b':
13b + 5b = 18b

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:
2a + 14c + 18b

To find out how much money Jacqueline will earn at her two jobs this week, we need to evaluate the expression 10 + 14s, where s represents the number of hours she works as a cashier.

In this case, we are given that s = 7, which means Jacqueline works 7 hours as a cashier. Substituting this value into the expression, we have:

10 + 14 * 7

Now we can simplify the expression:

10 + 98

Adding these two numbers together, we get:


So Jacqueline will earn $108 at her two jobs this week.

However, none of the answer choices provided match our result of $108. It seems there might be an error in the question or answer choices.