Imagine an image representing a hardworking woman with two jobs. Show her with a lab coat and safety goggles indicating her role as a lab assistant, and showcasing a cash register or scanner, indicating her cashier role. She can be Caucasian, and be seen shifting between the two roles, surrounded by typical laboratory and retail store environment. However, the space around her should be filled with mathematical symbols and equations, those shouldn't reflect the questions exactly from the description. The atmosphere should be neutral and a sense of equality should be maintained.

Need help asap

Questions 1 Jacqueline has two part-time jobs. She earns $15 per hour, l, working as a lab assistant, and $12 per hour, s, working as a cashier. This is modeled by 15l+12s. Evaluate for l=5 and s=7 to find how much money Jacqueline will earn at her two jobs this week.

Question 2 Simplify 5a − 8c + b + 3c −9a + 6b.

Questions 3 Simplify −3/4r + 3 − 5/6r − 6

Questions 4
Expand 8(3p + 2).

Questions 5
Expand −4(6a − 5).
Questions 6
Expand 74(8h+3).

To solve the questions, let's follow these steps:

Question 1:
To find how much money Jacqueline will earn at her two jobs this week, substitute the given values of l and s into the expression 15l + 12s.
Given: l = 5 and s = 7
So, 15(5) + 12(7) = 75 + 84 = 159.
Therefore, Jacqueline will earn $159 at her two jobs this week.

Question 2:
To simplify the expression 5a − 8c + b + 3c − 9a + 6b, we can combine like terms by grouping the variables together.
Combining the coefficients of each variable:
5a − 9a = -4a
Combining the coefficients of c:
-8c + 3c = -5c
Combining the coefficients of b:
b + 6b = 7b
The simplified expression is -4a - 5c + 7b.

Question 3:
To simplify the expression -3/4r + 3 - 5/6r - 6, we can combine like terms by grouping the variables together.
Combining the coefficients of r:
-3/4r - 5/6r = (-3/4 - 5/6) * r
To combine these fractions, we need a common denominator:
The common denominator is 12.
Multiplying -3/4 by (3/3) = -9/12
Multiplying -5/6 by (2/2) = -10/12
Now, we can combine the fractions: -9/12 - 10/12 = -19/12
The simplified expression is -19/12r + 3 - 6.

Question 4:
To expand 8(3p + 2), we distribute the 8 to each term inside the parentheses.
8 * 3p + 8 * 2 = 24p + 16.
Therefore, 8(3p + 2) expands to 24p + 16.

Question 5:
To expand -4(6a - 5), we distribute the -4 to each term inside the parentheses.
-4 * 6a + (-4) * (-5) = -24a + 20.
Therefore, -4(6a - 5) expands to -24a + 20.

Question 6:
To expand 74(8h + 3), we distribute the 74 to each term inside the parentheses.
74 * 8h + 74 * 3 = 592h + 222.
Therefore, 74(8h + 3) expands to 592h + 222.

I hope these explanations help! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Bot is @quinn right

Expand -5/6 (9b-12)

1. 159

2. -4a + 7b - 5b
3. -1 7/12 - 3
4. 24p + 16
5. -24a + 20
6. 14h + 5.25
7. -15b/2 + 10
8. 4
9. 6
10. 4(2a-7)
11. 6(2y+1)
12. 0.5 - 4.2k

sorry if I'm wrong


you are given 15l + 12s and the values of l and s
= 15(5) + 12(7)
= 75 + 84
= ....

2. 5a − 8c + b + 3c −9a + 6b
= -4a + 7b - 5c

3. same thing

4. ..... easy

5. -4(6a - 5)
= -24a + 20

6. same thing

These questions are quite trivial. If you are having difficulties
with these, then it looks like you have a lot of studying and practising
ahead of you.