Jacqueline has two part-time jobs. She earns $15 per hour, l , working as a lab assistant, and $12 per hour, s , working as a cashier. This is modeled by 15l+12s . Evaluate for l=5 and s=7 to find how much money Jacqueline will earn at her two jobs this week. (1 point) $$

To evaluate the expression, substitute l=5 and s=7 into the expression 15l+12s:

15l+12s = 15(5) + 12(7) = 75 + 84 = $159

Therefore, Jacqueline will earn $159 at her two jobs this week.

are u sure

Yes, I am sure. When we substitute l=5 and s=7 into the expression 15l+12s, we get 15(5) + 12(7) = 75 + 84 = 159.

Simplify 5a − 8c + b + 3c −9a + 6b

To simplify the expression 5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b, we can combine like terms:

Combining like terms with the same variable:
5a - 9a = -4a (5 minus 9 is -4)
b + 6b = 7b (1 plus 6 is 7)
-8c + 3c = -5c ( -8 plus 3 is -5)

Putting it all together:
-4a - 5c + 7b

Therefore, the simplified expression is -4a - 5c + 7b.

8(3Expandp + 2) .(1 point)

To expand the expression 8(3p + 2), we distribute the 8 to both terms inside the parentheses:

8(3p + 2) = 8(3p) + 8(2) = 24p + 16

Therefore, the expanded form of 8(3p + 2) is 24p + 16.

Expand −4(6a − 5) .

To expand the expression -4(6a - 5), we distribute the -4 to both terms inside the parentheses:

-4(6a - 5) = -4(6a) - 4(-5) = -24a + 20

Therefore, the expanded form of -4(6a - 5) is -24a + 20.

Expand 74(8h+3) .