Why did Jefferson pursue a laissez-faire economic system in the United States?

(1 point)

It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.
It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.

The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.
The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.

A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.
A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.
Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

The correct answer is: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

The correct response is: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

The correct answer is: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine each response:

1. It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.
This response is incorrect. The Marbury v. Madison case, decided in 1803, established the principle of judicial review and affirmed the Supreme Court's power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. It did not mandate a laissez-faire economic system.

2. The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.
This response is incorrect. A free market economy often leads to smaller government involvement and less regulation, which can result in a reduction in the size and scope of the federal government.

3. A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.
This response is incorrect. While a free market economy may have facilitated economic growth and opportunities associated with the Louisiana Purchase, it is not the primary reason why Jefferson pursued a laissez-faire economic system.

4. Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.
This response is correct. Thomas Jefferson believed that allowing a free market economy to operate without excessive government intervention would lead to greater economic prosperity and individual freedom. He favored limited government involvement and believed that entrepreneurs, individuals, and businesses should be free to pursue their interests without unnecessary interference from the federal government. By implementing a free market economy, Jefferson sought to restrain the role of the federal government in economic affairs.