White Red 3 4 x 8 9 12 12 y The ratio of red to white paint to make the perfect color pink is 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint. How many tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint? How many tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint?(1 point) White Red 3 4 8 9 12 12

If the ratio of red to white paint to make the perfect color pink is 4:3, and there are 8 tablespoons of red paint, then the corresponding amount of white paint needed would be (3/4) * 8 = <<(3/4)*8=6>>6 tablespoons.

Similarly, if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint, then the corresponding amount of red paint needed would be (4/3) * 12 = <<(4/3)*12=16>>16 tablespoons.

To find out how many tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint, we use the ratio given: 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint.

So, we can set up the following proportion:

4 tablespoons of red paint / 3 tablespoons of white paint = 8 tablespoons of red paint / x tablespoons of white paint

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4x = 3 * 8
4x = 24

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 6

Therefore, 6 tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint.

Similarly, to find out how many tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint, we use the same ratio:

4 tablespoons of red paint / 3 tablespoons of white paint = y tablespoons of red paint / 12 tablespoons of white paint

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4 * 12 = 3y
48 = 3y

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

16 = y

Therefore, 16 tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint.

To find the number of tablespoons of white paint needed when there are 8 tablespoons of red paint, we need to use the given ratio of 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint.

First, we set up the proportion:
4 tablespoons of red paint / 3 tablespoons of white paint = 8 tablespoons of red paint / x tablespoons of white paint

To solve for x (the number of tablespoons of white paint), we cross multiply and then solve for x:
4x = 3 * 8
4x = 24
x = 24 / 4
x = 6

Therefore, 6 tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint.

To find the number of tablespoons of red paint needed when there are 12 tablespoons of white paint, we use the same given ratio of 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint.

Again, we set up the proportion:
4 tablespoons of red paint / 3 tablespoons of white paint = x tablespoons of red paint / 12 tablespoons of white paint

Cross multiplying and solving for x, we have:
4x = 3 * 12
4x = 36
x = 36 / 4
x = 9

Therefore, 9 tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint.