Use the table to answer the question.

White Red
3 4
x 8
9 12
12 y The ratio of red to white paint to make the perfect color pink is 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint. How many tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint? How many tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint?(1 point)
White Red
3 4
9 12
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To find out how many tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint, we can set up a proportion using the ratio given for the perfect color pink: 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint.

Let's set up the proportion:
4/3 = 8/x

To solve for x (the amount of white paint needed), we can cross multiply and solve for x:
4x = 3 * 8
4x = 24
x = 24/4
x = 6

Therefore, 6 tablespoons of white paint are needed if there are 8 tablespoons of red paint.

To find out how many tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint, we can set up another proportion using the same ratio: 4 tablespoons of red paint to 3 tablespoons of white paint.

Let's set up the proportion:
4/3 = y/12

To solve for y (the amount of red paint needed), we can cross multiply and solve for y:
3y = 4 * 12
3y = 48
y = 48/3
y = 16

Therefore, 16 tablespoons of red paint are needed if there are 12 tablespoons of white paint.