Use the properties of operations to add 9(k+1/3)+10(1/2 k-1). (1 Point)


19 1/2 k

14k - 2/3

14k + 13

14k - 7

To add the expressions 9(k+1/3) + 10(1/2 k-1), we can distribute the coefficients to each term inside the parentheses and then combine like terms.

First, distributing 9 to the terms inside the parentheses:
9(k+1/3) = 9k + 9/3 = 9k + 3

Next, distributing 10 to the terms inside the parentheses:
10(1/2 k-1) = 10(1/2 k) - 10(1) = 5k - 10

Now, we can combine the like terms by adding the two expressions:
(9k + 3) + (5k - 10) = 9k + 5k + 3 - 10 = 14k - 7

So, the sum of 9(k+1/3) + 10(1/2 k-1) is 14k - 7.

To add 9(k+1/3)+10(1/2 k-1), we can distribute the 9 and 10 to the terms inside the parentheses:

9(k+1/3) + 10(1/2 k-1)
= 9k + 9(1/3) + 10(1/2 k) - 10(1)

Simplifying the fractions:

= 9k + 3 + 5k - 10

Combining like terms:

= 14k - 7

Therefore, the sum of 9(k+1/3)+10(1/2 k-1) is 14k - 7.

To add the given expressions, we will distribute the coefficients first and then combine like terms. Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Distribute the coefficients:
9(k + 1/3) = 9k + 9/3 = 9k + 3
10(1/2k - 1) = 10/2k - 10 = 5k - 10

Now, we have:
9k + 3 + 5k - 10

2. Combine like terms:
Combine the terms with 'k' together:
(9k + 5k) + (3 - 10) = 14k - 7

Therefore, the final answer is 14k - 7.