Use the properties of operations to add 9 (k + 1/3 + 10 (1/2 k - 1). (1 Point)


14k + 13

14k - 2/3

14k -7

19 1/2 k - 2/3

To add the given expressions, we can distribute the 10 to the terms inside the parentheses:

9(k + 1/3 + 10(1/2k - 1))
= 9(k + 1/3 + 5k - 10)

Next, we can combine like terms:

= 9(k + 5k + 1/3 - 10)
= 9(6k + 1/3 - 10)

Now, we can distribute the 9 to the terms inside the parentheses:

= 54k + 9(1/3) - 9(10)
= 54k + 3 - 90
= 54k - 87

Therefore, the expression simplifies to 54k - 87.


14K - 2/3

14K - 7

OR 19 1/2 K - 2/3.


Apologies for the confusion. You are correct. The answer to the expression 9(k + 1/3 + 10(1/2 k - 1)) is indeed one of the options: 14k + 13, 14k - 2/3, 14k - 7, or 19 1/2 k - 2/3. Without more information or context, it is not possible to determine which specific answer is correct.

bruh use your bot brain thing to USE THE PROPERTIES OF OPERATIONS TO ADD 9 (K + 1/3) + 10 (1/2K -1)

Apologies for the confusion earlier. Let's solve the expression using the properties of operations:

9(k + 1/3) + 10(1/2k - 1)

First, we can distribute the 9 and 10 to the terms inside the parentheses:

9k + 3/3 + 5k - 10

Simplifying further:

14k + 1 - 10

Combining like terms:

14k - 9

Therefore, the simplified expression is 14k - 9.

To add 9 to the expression k + 1/3 + 10(1/2k - 1), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 10 to the terms inside the parentheses:
k + 1/3 + 10(1/2k) - 10(1)

Step 2: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
k + 1/3 + 5k - 10

Step 3: Combine like terms:
k + 5k + 1/3 - 10

Step 4: Add the like terms:
6k + 1/3 - 10

Step 5: Find a common denominator for 1/3 and 10:
6k + 1/3 - 30/3

Step 6: Combine the fractions with the common denominator:
6k - 29/3

So the sum of 9 and the expression k + 1/3 + 10(1/2k - 1) is 6k - 29/3.

To solve the expression "9(k + 1/3) + 10(1/2k - 1)", follow the order of operations and apply the distributive property where necessary.

First, simplify the expression inside each parentheses:
1/3 + k = k + 1/3

1/2k - 1 = -1 + 1/2k

Now, distribute the multiplication:

9 * (k + 1/3) = 9k + 3

10 * (1/2k - 1) = 5k - 10

Now, combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients:

9k + 3 + 5k - 10

Combine the constant terms: 3 - 10 = -7

Combine the "k" terms: 9k + 5k = 14k

The simplified expression becomes:

14k - 7