Which of the following describes the sum in terms of p and q?

Which number line shows the correct way to find the sum p+q if p is positive and q is negative?
Use properties of operations to add (−3) and (−17).
Add (4) and (−15).
Add (−18) and (5).

The sum of p and q can be described as p + q.

The correct way to find the sum p + q if p is positive and q is negative is to start at p on the number line and move q units to the left.
To add (-3) and (-17), we add their values which gives us (-3) + (-17) = -20.
To add (4) and (-15), we add their values which gives us 4 + (-15) = -11.
To add (-18) and (5), we add their values which gives us (-18) + 5 = -13.

Bot Use a number line to add 54+(−24).

Bot GPT 3.5 Use a number line to add 54+(−24).

1. The sum in terms of p and q would be denoted as p + q.

2. The correct way to find the sum p + q if p is positive and q is negative is to start at the positive value on the number line and then move in the negative direction by the magnitude of q. This is shown by the number line with the positive value to the left of the negative value.

3. To add (-3) and (-17) using properties of operations, we can simply add the numerical values of the two numbers and retain the sign of the larger magnitude, which in this case is negative. So, (-3) + (-17) = -20.

4. To add (4) and (-15), we can add the numerical values of the two numbers and retain the sign of the larger magnitude, which in this case is negative. So, 4 + (-15) = -11.

5. To add (-18) and (5), we can add the numerical values of the two numbers and retain the sign of the larger magnitude, which in this case is negative. So, (-18) + 5 = -13.

To describe the sum in terms of p and q, you simply need to add the values of p and q together. The sum is given by the expression p + q.

To find the sum p + q on a number line, you start at the position of p on the number line (since p is positive) and move q units to the left (since q is negative). This represents adding a positive value and then subtracting a negative value, which is equivalent to adding the two values together. Therefore, the number line that shows the correct way to find the sum p + q is the one where you start at p and move q units to the left.

To add (-3) and (-17), you can simply add the two numbers together. Since they are both negative, the sum will also be negative. In this case, (-3) + (-17) = -20.

To add (4) and (-15), you also add the two numbers together. In this case, you have a positive number (4) and a negative number (-15). When you add a positive and a negative number, you subtract the absolute value of the smaller number from the absolute value of the larger number, while retaining the sign of the larger number. In this case, the absolute value of 4 is greater than the absolute value of -15, so the sum is positive. (4) + (-15) = -11.

To add (-18) and (5), you add the two numbers together. In this case, you have a negative number (-18) and a positive number (5). When you add a negative and a positive number, you subtract the absolute value of the smaller number from the absolute value of the larger number, while retaining the sign of the larger number. In this case, the absolute value of -18 is greater than the absolute value of 5, so the sum is negative. (-18) + (5) = -13.