Use the properties of operations to add 9 (k + 1/3) + 10(1/2 * k - 1) . (1 point)

O 14k + 13

O 14k - 7

O 14k - 2/3

O 19 1/2 * k - 2/3

To simplify the expression 9(k + 1/3) + 10(1/2 * k - 1), we can distribute the 9 and 10 to the terms within the parentheses:

9(k) + 9(1/3) + 10(1/2 * k) - 10(1)

Which simplifies to:

9k + 3 + 5k - 10

Combining like terms:

(9k + 5k) + (3 - 10)

Which simplifies to:

14k - 7

Therefore, the correct answer is 14k - 7.