identify the missing denominator in the addition expression 15/28 + 9/?

The missing denominator in the addition expression is 28.

To identify the missing denominator in the addition expression 15/28 + 9/?, we need to find a common denominator between 28 and 9.

The smallest common multiple of 28 and 9 is 252.

Therefore, the missing denominator is 252.

To determine the missing denominator in the addition expression 15/28 + 9/?, we need to find a common denominator between the two fractions so that we can add them together.

The denominator of a fraction represents the total number of equal parts into which a whole is divided. In this case, we are given that one of the denominators is 28 (15/28) and the other one is missing (9/?).

To find a common denominator, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the given denominator (28) and the missing denominator (let's call it x).

To find the LCM, you can use various methods. One common method is prime factorization.

For the number 28, its prime factorization is 2^2 * 7.
For the missing denominator, let's say x, we don't know its prime factorization yet.

To find the LCM, we need to consider the highest powers of all the prime factors involved in both numbers. In this case, the number 2 appears once in the prime factorization of 28 and it might or might not appear in the prime factorization of x. Similarly, the prime factor 7 appears in 28 and may or may not appear in x.

Therefore, the LCM should include the highest power of 2 (2^2) and the highest power of 7 (7^1).

Hence, the least common multiple is 2^2 * 7^1 = 28.

It means that the denominator of the missing fraction is also 28. Therefore, the missing denominator in the given addition expression 15/28 + 9/? is 28.