Identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24

the answer is 6/24

bc 13/24 plus 6/24 = ......

wait hold up what is the last number????

ooohh i just look at the other question yaa its 6/24

To identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24, we need to find a number that, when added to 13, results in the sum being over 24.

Let's solve this step-by-step:

Step 1: We have the fraction 13/24.

Step 2: We are adding another fraction with the same denominator, which is 24.

Step 3: We need to find the missing numerator.

Step 4: To find the missing numerator, we subtract 13 from 24: 24 - 13 = 11.

Therefore, the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 is 11.

To identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24, we need to find a number that, when added to 13, would equal the unknown numerator.

Since the denominator in both fractions is 24, it means that each fraction represents parts out of a whole that is divided into 24 equal parts.

If we add the numerators of the fractions, it should be equal to the numerator of the sum.

13/24 + ?/24 = (13 + ?)/24

To find the missing numerator, we need to solve the equation:

13 + ? = Numerator of the sum

Since the numerator of the sum is unknown, we'll solve for it by subtracting 13 from both sides of the equation:

? = Numerator of the sum - 13

Therefore, the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 is (Numerator of the sum - 13).