identify the missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/ ?

The missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/ ? is 11.

To identify the missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/ ?, we need to look at the denominators in the given expression. The given expression has the fraction 8/11 with a denominator of 11.

In order to add these fractions together, we need to ensure that both fractions have the same denominator. So we need to find a common denominator to add these fractions.

To find the common denominator, we need to determine the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. For this question, the LCM of 11 and the missing denominator will give us the common denominator.

The LCM of 11 and the missing denominator will be the smallest number that is divisible by both 11 and the missing denominator.

To find the LCM, we can use prime factorization method or a common multiple approach.

For the prime factorization method, we can factorize 11 and the missing denominator into their prime factors. Then we can find the product of all the unique prime factors raised to their highest power.

For example, if the missing denominator is 12, then:
11 = 11
12 = 2 * 2 * 3

The unique prime factors raised to their highest power are 2^2 and 3, giving us the LCM as 2^2 * 3 * 11 = 132.

Therefore, in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/?, the missing denominator is 132.

To find the missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/ ?, we need to find a common denominator for the two fractions involved. The common denominator is the smallest multiple of both denominators.

The denominator of the first fraction is 11, and the denominator of the second fraction is missing. To find the common denominator, we need to find the smallest multiple of 11 that also includes the missing denominator.

The smallest multiple of 11 is 11 itself. So, the missing denominator is 11. Therefore, the addition expression is 8/11 + 1/11.