A flat bright classroom chalkboard with mathematical equations on it, placed in a cosy educational setting. On the chalkboard, portray an unfinished addition sentence, the first term should be a fraction with 15 as the numerator and 28 as the denominator. The second term would be the number 9 with its denominator missing. Surrounding the board, add four floating bubbles, each containing one of the following number: 9, 28, 15, 24.

what is the missing denominator in the addition sentence? 15/28 +9/


The missing denominator in the addition sentence 15/28 + 9/ (missing denominator) is 24.

To find the missing denominator in the addition sentence 15/28 + 9/?, you need to look for a common denominator that both fractions share.

One way to find a common denominator is to multiply the two existing denominators together. In this case, the denominators are 28 and ?, so multiplying them together gives 28 * ? = 28?.

Since the other denominator in the addition sentence is 28, the common denominator must also be 28. Therefore, the missing denominator is 28.

So the correct answer is 28.

To find the missing denominator in the addition sentence 15/28 + 9/, you can use the fact that the denominators of fractions being added must be the same in order to add them.

Since the denominator of the first fraction is 28, the missing denominator must be the same, which is 28.

Therefore, the missing denominator is 28.