Choose one product or object that you encounter in your everyday life and discuss how its history has

been shaped by globalisation. Think of anything familiar fashion, food, TV, or cultural
To help you answer this question, follow these steps.
1) Understand Globalisation as a historical force.
2) Choose a product you use every day.
3) Explore the history of your chosen product.
4) Connect your chosen product to your historical understanding of globalisation.

One product that I encounter in my everyday life is the smartphone. The history of the smartphone has undoubtedly been shaped by globalization.

To understand globalization as a historical force, it is important to recognize that it refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and people worldwide, driven by factors such as technological advancements, trade liberalization, and cultural exchange.

The history of the smartphone can be traced back to the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. However, it was not until the late 20th century that the concept of a "smart" phone, capable of performing multiple functions beyond voice communication, began to emerge. The development of smartphones was heavily influenced by various global events and trends.

In the 1990s, globalization was gaining momentum, and advancements in technology, particularly in telecommunications and computing, were accelerating. This facilitated the development of smaller, more powerful, and affordable components, which eventually enabled the creation of smartphones. Additionally, the spread of the internet and the increasing accessibility of information worldwide played a crucial role in shaping the smartphone's history.

The 21st century saw the rise of companies like Apple, Samsung, and Google, which played a significant role in the globalization of the smartphone industry. These companies utilized global supply chains to manufacture smartphones in countries with lower labor costs, such as China and Vietnam, while targeting global markets for sales and distribution. The production and distribution networks employed by these companies were made possible by the interconnectedness of global trade facilitated by globalization.

Globalization also influenced the design and functionality of smartphones. Companies incorporated features and technologies from different parts of the world into their products, leveraging global innovation. For example, the use of touchscreens, which have become a standard feature in smartphones, was popularized by the iPhone, which was developed in the United States. However, the underlying technology for touchscreens originated from countries like Japan and South Korea.

Furthermore, globalization has resulted in the convergence of various industries, such as telecommunications, computing, and entertainment. Smartphones have become a central device for accessing information, communication, entertainment, and even carrying out financial transactions. This convergence of industries and functionalities within a single device is a direct consequence of globalization, as it enables the seamless integration of technologies and services from around the world.

In conclusion, the history of the smartphone has been shaped by globalization in multiple ways. The development and production of smartphones have relied on global supply chains and the interconnectedness of markets. The design and functionality of smartphones have been influenced by global innovation, and their convergence of various industries reflects the interconnected nature of the globalized world. As a product encountered in everyday life, the smartphone serves as a tangible example of the effects of globalization in shaping our contemporary world.

Step 1: Understand Globalisation as a historical force.

Globalisation can be defined as the process of increasing interconnectedness and integration of nations, economies, cultures, and societies on a global scale. It is driven by advancements in technology, transportation, and communication, allowing for the exchange of goods, ideas, and information across borders. Globalisation has had a transformative impact on various aspects of our lives, including the economy, politics, society, and culture.

Step 2: Choose a product you use every day.
For this example, let's consider the smartphone as the chosen product. Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling communication, accessing information, and performing numerous tasks.

Step 3: Explore the history of your chosen product.
The history of smartphones can be traced back to the early 1990s when companies like IBM and Nokia first introduced the concept of a "personal communicator." However, it was the introduction of the iPhone by Apple in 2007 that revolutionized the smartphone industry. The iPhone combined a touchscreen interface, internet connectivity, multimedia capabilities, and a range of applications into a single device, setting the stage for the modern smartphone era.

Since then, smartphones have rapidly evolved, with advancements in technology leading to the introduction of better features such as improved processing power, camera capabilities, battery life, and connectivity options. Additionally, smartphones have become more affordable, leading to their increased accessibility to people across different socio-economic backgrounds.

Step 4: Connect your chosen product to your historical understanding of globalisation.
Globalisation played a significant role in shaping the history of smartphones. Firstly, globalisation facilitated the exchange of ideas and technologies between different regions, enabling companies like Apple, Nokia, Samsung, and others to collaborate with experts, engineers, and suppliers from various countries. This cross-border collaboration has contributed to the rapid development and innovation in the smartphone industry.

Moreover, globalisation allowed for the efficient production and distribution of smartphones on a global scale. Companies have established complex supply chains spread across multiple countries to source raw materials, manufacture components, and assemble the final products. This global production network has significantly reduced manufacturing costs and increased the availability of smartphones worldwide.

Furthermore, globalisation has also impacted the smartphone market by creating a global consumer base. As smartphones gained popularity, companies realized the potential of catering to a diverse range of cultures and markets. With the help of marketing strategies, multinational corporations expanded their reach, adapting their products to local preferences and consumer demands in various countries.

Overall, globalisation has transformed the smartphone industry by enabling technological advancements, facilitating global production networks, and creating a global consumer base. Today, smartphones have become a symbol of globalisation itself, representing the interconnectedness of people, cultures, and economies around the world.

1) Globalisation is a historical force that refers to the integration of different countries and societies through increased cross-border trade, communication, and cultural exchange. It has significantly shaped the modern world by connecting people, economies, and cultures on a global scale.

2) For this discussion, let's choose coffee as the product we use every day. Coffee is a widely consumed beverage worldwide, with a rich history and global significance.

3) The history of coffee dates back centuries and can be traced to Ethiopia, where it is believed to have originated. From Ethiopia, coffee cultivation and consumption spread to the Arabian Peninsula in the 15th century. It was in Arabia that coffee houses emerged as social gathering places, fostering the exchange of ideas and becoming centers of intellectual discourse.

In the 17th century, coffee began reaching Europe, primarily through trade routes established by colonial powers. The beverage gained popularity across the continent, leading to the establishment of coffeehouses in major cities. Coffee plantations were established in European colonies, such as those in the Americas, to meet the growing demand.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, coffee production expanded further, particularly in countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam, becoming a global commodity. The industrial revolution and advancements in transportation, communication, and technology facilitated the growth of coffee trade and distribution worldwide.

4) Coffee's history has been greatly influenced by globalisation. As trade routes expanded and communication improved, coffee became a widely accessible and traded commodity. The increasing demand for coffee led to the establishment of plantations in different parts of the world, fueling regional economies and creating interconnected global networks.

Globalisation has not only affected the production and distribution of coffee but also its cultural significance. Coffeehouses, which originated in Arabia and spread throughout Europe, played a vital role in facilitating the exchange of ideas and cultural practices. They became hubs of globalization, where people from diverse backgrounds would gather, discuss, and share their perspectives.

Moreover, as global trade and travel grew, different coffee varieties and brewing techniques were introduced, creating diverse coffee cultures across the globe. For example, espresso-based drinks gained popularity in Italy, while drip coffee remained prominent in the United States.

In summary, the history of coffee is intricately tied to globalisation. It spread from its Ethiopian origins to become a significant global commodity, shaping economies, cultural practices, and social interactions worldwide. The interconnectedness fostered by globalisation allowed for the exchange of knowledge, technologies, and cultural practices surrounding coffee, creating a varied and vibrant coffee culture we experience today.