Choose the true statement according to newtons, third law of motion, when an object in motion, collides with another object, the second object pushes back when an object in motion, collides with another object the second object moves to move an object stop after Culloden or two, moving objects bounce off each other after Colliding

The true statement according to Newton's third law of motion is that when an object in motion collides with another object, the second object pushes back.

According to Newton's third law of motion, when an object in motion collides with another object, the second object pushes back. This means that the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object. Therefore, the statement "when an object in motion collides with another object, the second object moves" is true. However, the statements "to move an object stop after Culloden" and "two moving objects bounce off each other after colliding" are not specifically related to Newton's third law of motion.

According to Newton's third law of motion, "when an object in motion collides with another object, the second object pushes back." This is because Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

To understand the true statement, let's break it down:

Statement 1: "When an object in motion collides with another object, the second object pushes back."
This statement is true according to Newton's third law of motion. When two objects collide, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other.

Statement 2: "When an object in motion collides with another object, the second object moves."
This statement is not necessarily true. When two objects collide, both objects experience a change in motion. The second object may or may not move, depending on various factors like their masses and the forces involved.

Statement 3: "When an object in motion collides with another object, the moving objects bounce off each other after colliding."
This statement is not always true. The behavior of objects after a collision depends on various factors, such as the elasticity of the objects and the forces involved. Some collisions can result in objects bouncing off each other, while others may cause objects to stick together or move in different directions.

To determine which statement is true, we must consider the first statement: "When an object in motion collides with another object, the second object pushes back." This statement aligns with Newton's third law of motion, making it the most accurate choice.