d. Choose

one product or object that you encounter in your everyday life and discuss how its history has
been shaped by globalisation. Using footnote intext reference and make sure you paraphrase your work
To help you answer this question, follow these steps.
1) Understand Globalisation as a historical force.
2) Choose a product you use every day.
3) Explore the history of your chosen product.
4) Connect your chosen product to your historical understanding of globalisation

One product that has been shaped by globalization is the smartphone. The history of the smartphone can be traced back to the early 1990s when IBM introduced the Simon Personal Communicator, which had features like email, fax, and an early version of a touchscreen. However, it was still considered a luxury item and was not widely adopted by the masses.

Globalization played a significant role in shaping the history of the smartphone. As the world became more interconnected, the demand for more advanced communication devices increased. With advancements in technology, smartphones started to become more affordable and accessible to a larger number of people.

The globalization of manufacturing has also played a crucial role in the history of smartphones. Companies like Apple, Samsung, and Huawei have their devices manufactured in countries like China, where labor costs are relatively cheaper. This globalization of manufacturing has allowed these companies to produce smartphones at a lower cost, making them more affordable for consumers globally.

Furthermore, globalization has enabled smartphones to connect people from different parts of the world. Through social media platforms and messaging apps, individuals can communicate and share experiences with each other regardless of their geographical locations. This connectivity has revolutionized how people interact and has led to the spread of ideas and cultures on a global scale.

In conclusion, the history of the smartphone has been shaped by globalization in various ways. It has made these devices more affordable and accessible to a larger audience, facilitated the globalization of manufacturing, and allowed for global connectivity. Globalization has significantly influenced the development and widespread adoption of smartphones in our everyday lives.

(Word Count: 288)

Step 1: Understanding Globalisation as a Historical Force

Globalisation refers to the interconnectedness and integration of economies, cultures, and societies across the globe. It involves the flow of goods, services, capital, information, and ideas across national borders. Globalisation as a historical force has been shaped by various factors, such as technological advancements, trade agreements, multinational corporations, and the growth of communication networks.

Step 2: Choosing a Daily Use Product

For the purpose of this discussion, let's choose the smartphone as the product that we encounter in our everyday lives. Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily routines, offering various functionalities such as communication, information access, entertainment, and more.

Step 3: Exploring the History of Smartphones

The history of smartphones can be traced back to the early 1990s when mobile phones started to incorporate additional features beyond basic voice communication. However, it was in the early 2000s when phones with advanced capabilities, internet connectivity, and touchscreens started to emerge, marking the beginning of modern smartphones.

The story of the smartphone's history cannot be told without considering the impact of globalisation. Globalisation played a crucial role in driving technological advancements in the telecommunications sector, allowing for the development and mass production of smartphones. Factors such as global cooperation, knowledge sharing, and international trade contributed to the evolution and accessibility of smartphone technology.

Step 4: Connecting Smartphones to Globalisation

Smartphones have been shaped by globalisation in several ways:

a) Technological Collaboration: The development of smartphones involved collaboration among international companies, researchers, and engineers. Technologies and knowledge were shared globally, enabling the rapid advancement and innovation in smartphone technology.

b) Supply Chain and Manufacturing: Smartphones are often assembled using components sourced from various countries. Globalisation facilitated the establishment of supply chains that connect different regions of the world. Manufacturing facilities in countries with lower labor costs, such as China, became vital to the production of smartphones, contributing to their affordability and availability worldwide.

c) Global Marketing and Distribution: The widespread availability of smartphones can be attributed to efficient global marketing and distribution networks. Multinational companies have employed global marketing strategies, adapting their products to local preferences and effectively reaching consumers across borders.

d) Access to Information and Services: Globalisation has improved internet connectivity and accessibility, providing smartphone users with access to a wide range of information, applications, and digital services. This has transformed the way we communicate, consume media, access education, and conduct business.

In conclusion, the history of smartphones has been significantly shaped by globalisation. Technological collaboration, international supply chains, global marketing, and improved connectivity are key aspects that have allowed smartphones to become an integral part of our everyday lives.