. Choose

one product or object that you encounter in your everyday life and discuss how its history has
been shaped by globalisation. Think of any familiar fashion, food, technology, or cultural
To help you answer this question, follow these steps.
1) Understand Globalisation as a historical force.
2) Choose a product you use every day.
3) Explore the history of your chosen product.
4) Connect your chosen product to your historical understanding of globalisation

Globalisation is a historical force that refers to the integration and interaction of countries, economies, cultures, and societies on a global scale. It involves the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and technologies among nations, facilitated by advancements in transportation, communication, and trade.

For the purpose of this discussion, I will focus on a familiar technology that most people encounter every day - the smartphone. The history of the smartphone has been greatly shaped by globalisation.

The first commercially available smartphone, the IBM Simon, was introduced in 1994. However, it wasn't until the early 2000s that smartphones gained popularity and became an integral part of our everyday lives. This surge in the popularity of smartphones can be attributed to several factors influenced by globalisation.

Firstly, globalisation played a crucial role in the development of the necessary technological infrastructure. As globalisation accelerated, the world became more interconnected through the internet and the spread of mobile networks. Access to reliable and fast internet connectivity became more widespread, allowing for the transmission of data and the development of mobile applications.

Secondly, globalisation facilitated the globalization of the supply chain. Smartphones are manufactured in various countries, with components sourced from different parts of the world. The global supply chain allows for the efficient production and assembly of smartphones, taking advantage of cost-effective labor markets, specialized expertise, and access to raw materials. Globalisation enabled the creation of complex supply chains that span multiple countries, resulting in more affordable and accessible smartphones.

Furthermore, globalisation fueled competition in the smartphone industry. Companies from different countries compete on a global scale to capture market share. This competition drives innovation, as companies continuously strive to develop new features, improve performance, and enhance user experience. Consumers benefit from this competition as they gain access to increasingly advanced smartphones at competitive prices.

Another aspect influenced by globalisation is the app ecosystem. Mobile app development flourished due to globalisation, with developers from all parts of the world contributing to the ecosystem. This cross-cultural collaboration and exchange of ideas have resulted in a diverse range of applications available on smartphones, catering to various needs and interests. Users can download apps offering services such as social media, e-commerce, transportation, education, and entertainment, among others.

Lastly, the globalisation of smartphone usage has had significant socio-cultural impacts. With smartphones, people can communicate and connect with individuals from different parts of the world, breaking down barriers of distance and culture. Social media platforms allow for the sharing of ideas, opinions, and experiences on a global scale. The spread of information and awareness has been greatly facilitated by the global connectivity provided by smartphones.

In conclusion, the history of the smartphone has been influenced by globalisation in numerous ways. From the technological infrastructure to the global supply chain, competition, app ecosystem, and socio-cultural impacts, globalisation has played a pivotal role in shaping the development, accessibility, and widespread adoption of smartphones in our everyday lives.

Step 1: Understand Globalisation as a historical force.

Globalisation refers to the increasing interconnectedness and integration of countries and individuals across the globe. It has been a significant historical force that has transformed various aspects of society, including the economy, technology, culture, and even the way we live our daily lives. Globalisation has been facilitated by advancements in transportation, communication, and trade, enabling the exchange of goods, ideas, and information on a global scale.

Step 2: Choose a product you use every day.

Let's choose the smartphone as a product that many people use daily.

Step 3: Explore the history of your chosen product.

The history of smartphones can be traced back to the 1990s when companies like Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson introduced their early models. However, it wasn't until the early 2000s with the launch of the BlackBerry and later the iPhone in 2007 that smartphones became widely popular and accessible.

The initial manufacturing of smartphones was primarily centered in developed countries like the United States, Europe, and Japan. However, with the forces of globalisation, production soon shifted to countries with lower labor costs, particularly in East Asia. China emerged as a major production hub for smartphones due to its large workforce and relatively low manufacturing costs.

Globalisation also played a crucial role in the development and improvement of smartphone technology. Companies from different parts of the world contributed to the innovation and advancement of various smartphone components, such as processors, display panels, and camera sensors. This global collaboration in research and development helped in creating increasingly sophisticated and powerful smartphones.

Step 4: Connect your chosen product to your historical understanding of globalisation.

The globalization of smartphone production led to significant economic changes. Companies were able to take advantage of lower manufacturing costs abroad, leading to increased profitability. However, this also resulted in job losses and economic shifts in developed countries, where smartphone manufacturing used to be a stronghold.

Furthermore, the global availability of smartphones has created a digital divide, with access to these devices being unevenly distributed across the globe. While smartphones have become increasingly affordable and accessible over time, there are still disparities in smartphone penetration and internet connectivity between different regions. This highlights the impact of globalisation on the digital divide, where some populations benefit more from technological advancements than others.

From a cultural perspective, smartphones have also influenced global communication and cultural exchange. Social media platforms and messaging apps have enabled people from different countries and backgrounds to connect instantly and share ideas, experiences, and trends. This has led to the globalization of popular culture, fashion, and lifestyle trends, as they can now spread rapidly across continents through social media platforms accessed on smartphones.

In conclusion, the history of smartphones has been shaped by globalisation in various ways. From the shift in production to lower-cost countries, the collaborative development of technology, the economic changes it brought about, and the cultural impact on communication and trends, globalisation has played a significant role in shaping the smartphone industry and its impact on our daily lives.