13. The picture illustrates the solar panels that power all of the appliances in Joshua's house. What energy transformations occur that enable Joshua to bake cookies for his family in the oven? (1 point)


heat energy → light energy → heat energy
heat energy → light energy → heat energy

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy
heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy
light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

light energy → electrical energy → chemical energy



The correct answer is:

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

The correct answer is: light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.

To understand this energy transformation, let's break it down step by step:

1. First, the sun's light energy is converted into electrical energy by the solar panels. Solar panels use photovoltaic cells to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect.

2. The electrical energy is then sent to the appliances in Joshua's house, including the oven.

3. When Joshua turns on the oven to bake cookies, the electrical energy flows through the heating elements in the oven.

4. The heating elements in the oven convert the electrical energy into heat energy. This is achieved by passing an electric current through a resistive material, which generates heat as a byproduct.

5. The heat energy produced by the heating elements is used to bake the cookies. The heat causes a chemical transformation in the cookie dough, changing it from raw dough to cooked, delicious cookies.

Therefore, the energy transformations that occur in order for Joshua to bake cookies using the solar-powered oven are: light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.

The correct energy transformations that occur in this scenario are:

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

I apologize if there was any confusion. The correct energy transformations that occur to enable Joshua to bake cookies for his family in the oven are:

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

I apologize if my previous response was not helpful. If you have any specific concerns or questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to assist you.