use long division to convert 2 and 3 over 8 to a decimal

To convert 2 and 3 over 8 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write 2 as a whole number: 2 = 2.0
2. Divide 2.0 by 8 (the denominator):
8 | 2.0
3. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the division sign, above the decimal point in 2.0:

Therefore, 2 and 3 over 8 in decimal form is 0.25.

sorry i misread its 3 and 3 over 8

No problem! Let's convert 3 and 3 over 8 to a decimal using long division:

1. Write 3 as a whole number: 3 = 3.0
2. Divide 3.0 by 8 (the denominator):
8 | 3.0
3. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the division sign, above the decimal point in 3.0:

Therefore, 3 and 3 over 8 in decimal form is 0.375.

what is 4 over 15 to a decimal use long division

To convert 4 over 15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write 4 as a whole number: 4 = 4.0
2. Divide 4.0 by 15 (the denominator):
15 | 4.0
- 0
3. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the division sign, above the decimal point in 4.0:

You can see that the division never ends and repeats with the decimal "26" repeating. So, 4 over 15 in decimal form is approximately 0.2666... or you can round it to 0.27.

what is 7 over 11

To convert 7 over 11 to a decimal without using long division, you can simply divide the numerator by the denominator:

7 ÷ 11 = 0.636363...

The division continues indefinitely, with the decimal repeating the sequence "63". Therefore, 7 over 11 in decimal form is approximately 0.63, or we can round it to 0.64.

what is 5 and 3 over 16

To convert 5 and 3 over 16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write 5 as a whole number: 5 = 5.0
2. Add the fraction part to the whole number: 5.0 + 3/16
3. Multiply the denominator (16) by the whole number (5) and add the numerator (3):
16 * 5 + 3 = 80 + 3 = 83
4. Place the result from step 3 as the numerator and keep the same denominator (16):
5. Divide 83 by 16:
16 | 83
- 80
- 16
- 128
6. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the division sign, above the decimal point in 5.0:

Therefore, 5 and 3 over 16 in decimal form is 5.1875.

A mountain goat is climbing to the top of a large cliff. The cliff is 50 feet higher than its starting point. If it takes the goat 22 minutes to climb this cliff, interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the goat’s elevation. Give your answer to the nearest hundredth