Use long division to convert 3/16 to a decimal

To convert 3/16 to a decimal using long division, we divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (16) repeatedly until we either obtain a remainder of 0 or we have enough decimal places.

16 | 3.0000
- 32
1 (remainder)

We start by dividing the first digit of the numerator, 3, by the denominator, 16. The quotient is 0 (since 3 is less than 16), and we write it above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (16) and subtract the result from the numerator (3). This gives us a new remainder of 32.

Next, we bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and add it to the remainder (32). We then divide this new number, 32, by the denominator, 16. The quotient is 2, which we write above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (16) and subtract the result from the remainder (32). This gives us a new remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, we can stop the division. The quotient (above the division bar) is 0.1875. Therefore, 3/16 is equal to 0.1875 as a decimal.

Use long division to convert 11/20 to a decimal

To convert 11/20 to a decimal using long division, we divide the numerator (11) by the denominator (20) repeatedly until we either obtain a remainder of 0 or we have enough decimal places.

20 | 11.00
- 10
- 10

We start by dividing the first two digits of the numerator, 11, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 0 (since 11 is less than 20), and we write it above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the numerator (11). This gives us a new remainder of 10.

Next, we bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and add it to the remainder (10). We then divide this new number, 10, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 0, which we write above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the remainder (10). This gives us a new remainder of 10.

We repeat the process and bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and add it to the remainder (10). We divide this new number, 10, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 0, which we write above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the remainder (10). This gives us a new remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, we can stop the division. The quotient (above the division bar) is 0.55. Therefore, 11/20 is equal to 0.55 as a decimal.

Use long division to convert 3 4/5 to a decimal

To convert 3 4/5 to a decimal using long division, we first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

3 4/5 can be written as (3 * 5 + 4)/5 = 19/5.

Now we can proceed with long division:

5 | 19.00
- 40

We start by dividing the first two digits of the numerator, 19, by the denominator, 5. The quotient is 3, and we write it above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (5) and subtract the result from the numerator (19). This gives us a new remainder of 4.

Next, we bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and add it to the remainder (4). We then divide this new number, 40, by the denominator, 5. The quotient is 8, which we write above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (5) and subtract the result from the remainder (40). This gives us a new remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, we can stop the division. The quotient (above the division bar) is 3.8. Therefore, 3 4/5 is equal to 3.8 as a decimal.

Use long division to convert 13/20 to a decimal

To convert 13/20 to a decimal using long division, we divide the numerator (13) by the denominator (20) repeatedly until we either obtain a remainder of 0 or we have enough decimal places.

20 | 13.00
- 0
- 120
- 100

We start by dividing the first two digits of the numerator, 13, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 0 (since 13 is less than 20), and we write it above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the numerator (13). This gives us a new remainder of 13.

Next, we bring down a zero and add it to the remainder (13) to make 130. We then divide this new number, 130, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 6, which we write above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the remainder (130). This gives us a new remainder of 10.

We repeat the process and bring down another zero and add it to the remainder (10) to make 100. We divide this new number, 100, by the denominator, 20. The quotient is 5, which we write above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the remainder (100). This gives us a new remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, we can stop the division. The quotient (above the division bar) is 0.65. Therefore, 13/20 is equal to 0.65 as a decimal.

Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place.

To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, we divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (9) repeatedly until we either obtain a remainder of 0 or we have enough decimal places.

9 | 2.00
- 18
- 18
- 18

We start by dividing the first digit of the numerator, 2, by the denominator, 9. The quotient is 0 (since 2 is less than 9), and we write it above the long division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (9) and subtract the result from the numerator (2). This gives us a new remainder of 2.

Next, we bring down a zero and add it to the remainder (2) to make 20. We then divide this new number, 20, by the denominator, 9. The quotient is 2, which we write above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (9) and subtract the result from the remainder (20). This gives us a new remainder of 2.

We repeat the process and bring down another zero and add it to the remainder (2) to make 20. We divide this new number, 20, by the denominator, 9. The quotient is 2, which we write above the division bar. Multiply this quotient by the denominator (9) and subtract the result from the remainder (20). This gives us a new remainder of 2.

Since the remainder repeats as 2, we can assume that the decimal representation of 2/9 terminates and does not repeat. Therefore, 2/9 is approximately equal to 0.2 as a decimal with one decimal place.

Use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal.(1 point)