Use long division to convert 6 7/20 to a decimal

To convert 6 7/20 to a decimal using long division, you would set up the division problem as follows:

20 | 6 7/20
- 6
- 0
- 60

Dividing 7/20 by 20 gives us 0.35.

Therefore, 6 7/20 is equal to 6.35 as a decimal.

To convert the mixed number 6 7/20 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction.
6 7/20 can be written as (6 x 20 + 7) / 20 = 127/20.

Step 2: Perform long division.
Divide 127 by 20. The quotient will be the whole number part of the decimal, and the remainder will help us find the decimal part.

20 | 127

Step 3: Write the result as a decimal.
The quotient is 6, and the remainder is 7. So, the decimal representation of 6 7/20 is 6.35.

To convert the mixed number 6 7/20 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the mixed number as a fraction.
6 7/20 can be written as the improper fraction (6*20 + 7)/20 = 127/20.

Step 2: Perform long division by dividing the numerator (127) by the denominator (20).
20 | 127
100 (this is the quotient of 127 divided by 20)
27 (subtract 100 * 20 from 127)
20 (bring down the 20 from the fraction)
7 (divide 27 by 20 to get the remainder)

Step 3: Add decimal point to the quotient obtained in Step 2.
The decimal point goes after the whole number part. The quotient is 100. The mixed number 6 7/20, when converted to a decimal, would be 6.35.

Therefore, 6 7/20 = 6.35.