Use long division to convert 3 3/8 to decimal

To convert 3 3/8 to a decimal using long division, we follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction
3 3/8 = (3 * 8 + 3) / 8 = 27/8

Step 2: Perform long division
Start by dividing the numerator (27) by the denominator (8):
8 | 27.000
- 40

Step 3: The division is complete when we reach a remainder of 0. The result is 3.375.

Therefore, 3 3/8 is equal to 3.375 in decimal form.

To convert the mixed number 3 3/8 to a decimal, follow these steps using long division:

Step 1: Write down the mixed number: 3 3/8.

Step 2: Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (8), and then add the numerator (3). Write this as the numerator of the improper fraction, keeping the denominator the same. In this case, the improper fraction is (3*8 + 3)/8 = 27/8.

Step 3: Set up the long division by writing the improper fraction, 27/8, inside the division bracket. Divide 27 by 8.

8 | 27

Step 4: Divide 8 into 27 and write the quotient directly above the division bracket. The quotient is 3.

8 | 27

Step 5: Multiply the divisor (8) by the quotient (3) and subtract the result from the dividend (27). Write the remainder, if any, as a fraction over the divisor. The result is written below the line.

8 | 27
- 24

Step 6: Since the remainder is 3, bring down the next digit from the decimal expansion (0) after the subtraction step. Write it next to the remainder.

8 | 27
- 24

Step 7: Divide 8 into 30 and write the quotient below the previous quotient.

8 | 27
- 24
- 24

Step 8: Since there is no remainder, and no more digits to bring down, the division process is complete.

Step 9: The decimal equivalent of the mixed number 3 3/8 is 3.75.

To convert a mixed number like 3 3/8 to a decimal, we can use long division. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write the mixed number as an improper fraction:
3 3/8 = (3 × 8 + 3) / 8 = 27/8

Step 2: Perform long division of 27 by 8:

Place the quotient, 3, above the division bar, and the remainder, 3, to the right.

Step 3: To convert the remainder to the decimal part, divide the remainder by the divisor (8):
3/8 = 0.375

Step 4: Combine the whole number part (3) and the decimal part (0.375) together:
3 3/8 = 3.375

Therefore, 3 3/8 is equal to 3.375 in decimal form.