Physical Activity Log Rubric

Physical Activity Log Rubric:

Criteria Points
Completeness 10
All activities logged accurately, including duration and intensity.

Consistency 10
Activity log is updated regularly and consistently throughout the assigned period.

Variety 10
A variety of activities are included in the log, showcasing different types of physical activity.

Accuracy 10
Activities logged are accurate and reflect the actual physical activity performed.

Organization 10
The log is neatly organized and easy to read, with clear headings and dates.

Reflection 10
A reflection on the physical activity logged is included, discussing any challenges, improvements, or goals achieved.

Total 60

A rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate a specific task or assignment. In the case of a physical activity log, a rubric can be used to assess the completeness and accuracy of the log. Below is a sample rubric for a physical activity log:

Criteria | Level 1 (Limited) | Level 2 (Basic) | Level 3 (Proficient) | Level 4 (Advanced)
Completeness | Log is incomplete, with missing or inconsistent information | Log is mostly complete, but with some missing or inconsistent information | Log is complete, with all necessary information included | Log is complete, with all necessary information included, plus additional details or reflections
Accuracy | Log contains many inaccuracies or false information | Log contains some inaccuracies or incomplete information | Log is mostly accurate, with minimal inaccuracies or omissions | Log is entirely accurate, with no errors or omissions
Organization | Log is disorganized and difficult to follow | Log is somewhat organized, but could be more coherent | Log is well-organized and easy to follow | Log is exceptionally well-organized and easy to navigate
Reflections | No reflections or insights included | Limited reflections or insights provided | Reflections and insights are present, but could be more detailed | Detailed and thoughtful reflections and insights are included, demonstrating a deep understanding of the activities and their impact
Presentation | Log presentation is messy or illegible | Log presentation is somewhat neat and legible | Log is well-presented, with clear headings and formatting | The log is exceptionally well-presented, with professional formatting and clear visuals (if applicable)

This rubric can be used to evaluate physical activity logs based on the criteria of completeness, accuracy, organization, reflections, and presentation. Each level corresponds to a specific score or grade, with an advanced level being the highest. Teachers or evaluators can assign a score or grade based on the level achieved in each criteria. The scores can then be summed up to provide an overall assessment of the physical activity log.