According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which of the following is important in order to maintain a healthy weight?

• Get all the nutrients your body needs.
• Balance calories eaten with activity level.
•Wash hands when preparing food.
• Eat nutrient-dense food.

• Balance calories eaten with activity level.

• Eat nutrient-dense food.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the following is important in order to maintain a healthy weight:

- Balance calories eaten with activity level: This means consuming the right amount of calories to meet your body's needs while also ensuring you are engaging in regular physical activity to burn calories.

Getting all the nutrients your body needs and eating nutrient-dense foods are also crucial factors in maintaining overall health, but they may not directly impact weight management.

Washing hands when preparing food is important for food safety and preventing the spread of bacteria and contamination, but it is not specifically related to weight management.