How would studying a volcanic eruption help you investigate cooler temperatures on Earth?(1 point)


Volcanic eruptions eject carbon dioxide, which reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

Volcanic eruptions eject water vapor, which reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

Volcanic eruptions eject sulfur dioxide, which is converted to sulfuric acid, which then reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

Volcanic eruptions eject tsunamis, which reflect incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

The correct response is: Volcanic eruptions eject sulfur dioxide, which is converted to sulfuric acid, which then reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

The correct answer is:

Volcanic eruptions eject sulfur dioxide, which is converted to sulfuric acid, which then reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.

Studying a volcanic eruption can help investigate cooler temperatures on Earth because volcanic eruptions release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. This sulfur dioxide can be transformed into sulfuric acid particles, which then scatter and reflect sunlight back into space. As a result, less sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, leading to cooler temperatures. By studying volcanic eruptions and their effects on the atmosphere, scientists can better understand the impact of volcanic activity on global temperature patterns.

The correct response is:

Volcanic eruptions eject sulfur dioxide, which is converted to sulfuric acid, which then reflects incoming energy from the sun back to space, therefore cooling the surface of Earth.