Earth's Changing Surface Unit Test

1 of 151 of 15 Items
What happens when jagged edges of rock plates grind past each other? (1 point)


volcanic formation
volcanic formation

a mountain chain
a mountain chain

an earthquake
an earthquake

an earthquake

Which land features are most likely found near a convergent plate boundary?


faults and ocean basins
faults and ocean basins - no response given

hot springs and geysers
hot springs and geysers - no response given

rift valleys and ridges
rift valleys and ridges - no response given

volcanoes and mountains

volcanoes and mountains

Which feature is formed at convergent plate boundaries?


San Andreas Fault
San Andreas Fault - no response given

Andes Mountains
Andes Mountains - no response given

mid-Atlantic Ridge
mid-Atlantic Ridge - no response given

East African Rift Valley

East African Rift Valley

Where do earthquakes normally occur?


at the edges of Earth’s bodies of water
at the edges of Earth’s bodies of water - no response given

at the center of Earth’s core
at the center of Earth’s core - no response given

at the center of tectonic plates
at the center of tectonic plates - no response given

at the edges of tectonic plates

at the edges of tectonic plates

In which direction is Hawaii's chain of islands moving?

A map of the Pacific Ocean shows a chain of islands. There is a compass rose in the bottom left corner with an arrow for north pointing toward the top of the map. The first island, labeled Hawaii is in the bottom right corner. Moving toward the upper left corner are the following islands in order: Kahoolawe, Maui, Lanai, Molkokai, Oahu, Niihau and ending with Kauai in the uper left corner of the map.

Northwest - no response given

Southwest - no response given

Northeast - no response given



Which phrase best describes frost wedging?

a type of erosion that occurs due to friction
a type of erosion that occurs due to friction - no response given

a type of physical weathering that occurs due to friction
a type of physical weathering that occurs due to friction - no response given

a type of erosion that occurs due to temperature changes
a type of erosion that occurs due to temperature changes - no response given

a type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes

a type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes