Which type of information can scientists collect using a seismograph?(1 point)

1 temperatures of molten rock inside Earth

2 vibrations occurring inside Earth

3 pollution levels in the air after a volcanic eruption

4 slight shifts in the inclination of a surface

The correct answers are.

1: vibrations occurring inside earth
2: they should pack a personal to go bag for each person
3: A mask that covers the nose and mouth can help prevent the inhalation of hazardous materials
4: they can follow all advice and directions for first responders
5: more advanced warning time allows officials to prepare for human evacuations
These are 💯% right I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!

the "right" kid got me a 2/5. the real answers in Volcanic eruptions Quick Check for Connexus 2022 are

1. Measurment of vibrations inside earth

2. A mask that covers the nose and the mouth can help prevent the inhalation of hazardous materials.

3. They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.

4. National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS)

5. More advanced warning time allows officials to prepare for human evacuations.

This should give you a 100% :) Have a nice day!

The right kid is right they just wrote the answers a bit differently

Guys be sure to go incognito so you're parents don't find out!!

To go incognito use: shift+ctrl+N

then search the question.

Obviously don't use the plus sign.

yeah he's right

the right kid is right, they just reworded it.

Renewed and 100% correct answers:

measurements of vibrations occurring inside Earth

They should pack an emergency kit for each person.

A mask that covers the nose and the mouth can help prevent the inhalation of hazardous materials.

They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.

More advanced warning time allows officials to prepare for human evacuations.

Ur Welcome.

you guys are putting answers that arent there i need to check my answers. and none of you guys are helping at all, im on the Volcanic Eruptions quick check theirs 5 questions.

ok do you now for that quick check

can anyone do the quick check?