An oven is being used to bake cookies in a house with solar panels on the roof. What energy transformations occur when baking cookies in this house?

When baking cookies in a house with solar panels on the roof, the energy transformations that occur are as follows:

1. Solar energy: The sun's energy is absorbed by the solar panels on the roof and converted into electrical energy.

2. Electrical energy: The electrical energy generated from the solar panels is then used to power the oven, providing it with electricity.

3. Thermal energy: Inside the oven, the electrical energy is converted into heat energy through the process of resistive heating. This heat energy is used to bake the cookies by transferring it to the cookie dough, causing the chemical reactions that result in their cooking and browning.

Overall, the primary energy transformation is from solar energy to electrical energy, and then from electrical energy to thermal energy.

When baking cookies in a house with solar panels on the roof, several energy transformations occur:

1. Solar energy to electrical energy: The solar panels on the roof convert sunlight into electrical energy. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect.

2. Electrical energy to thermal energy: The electrical energy produced by the solar panels powers the oven. Inside the oven, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy, which heats up the oven and the cookies inside.

3. Thermal energy to chemical energy: As the oven heats up, the thermal energy is transferred to the cookie dough. This causes the molecules in the dough to vibrate and react, resulting in chemical changes that transform the raw dough into baked cookies.

Overall, the energy transformations involved are:
Solar energy → Electrical energy → Thermal energy → Chemical energy.