#21. A bakery owner sells cookies by the dozen. He can bake 3 dozen cookies every hour. The graph shows the linear relationship between y, the number of dozens of cookies baked, and x, the number of hours. The baker will bake cookies for a total of 8 hours. Which set best represents the range of the function for this situation?

The graph of the linear relationship shows that for every hour (x), the bakery owner can bake 3 dozen cookies (y). This means that the rate of change is constant, and y is directly proportional to x.

The baker will bake cookies for 8 hours, so the number of dozens of cookies baked will be:

8 hours * 3 dozen cookies/hour = 24 dozen cookies

Therefore, the range of the function for this situation is {y | 0 ≤ y ≤ 24}. This means that the number of dozens of cookies baked will be between 0 and 24, inclusive.