

Warm up

Choose a warm up with similar movements as your main activity


Cool down

The cool down should be low intensity and involve stretching


Warm up:

Choose a warm up activity that incorporates similar movements to your main activity. For example, if your main activity is running, your warm up could include jogging in place, high knees, and butt kicks.


Perform your chosen main activity. This could be anything from a sport, exercise routine, or active game. Ensure that you are giving your all and engaging in a moderate to high-intensity workout.

Cool down:

After completing your main activity, it's important to cool down and lower your heart rate gradually. Incorporate stretching exercises for all major muscle groups involved in your main activity. Focus on holding each stretch for at least 15-30 seconds and breathing deeply. This can help improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.


Depending on your chosen main activity, you may need specific equipment or resources. For example, if you are playing a sport, you may need a ball, a court or field, and appropriate footwear. If you are following an exercise routine, you may need dumbbells or resistance bands. Make sure you have all necessary equipment and resources readily available before starting your warm up.

The equipment and resources needed for the activity will vary depending on the specific activity you are referring to. Can you please provide more information about the activity you are interested in?