To help prevent injury, each time you participate in a vigorous activity you should be sure to include a

(1 point)

proper warm-up.
proper warm-up.

proper warm-up and cool-down.
proper warm-up and cool-down.

proper cool-down.
proper cool-down.

proper warm-up and stretching

proper warm-up and stretching.

The correct answer is: proper warm-up and cool-down.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose and benefits of a warm-up and cool-down for vigorous activities.

A warm-up is a preparatory phase before engaging in vigorous physical activity. It involves performing light exercises or movements that gradually increase the heart rate, blood circulation, and body temperature. The main goals of a warm-up are:

1. Increased Blood Flow: It helps to increase blood flow to the muscles, which improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients needed for optimal performance and prevents muscle cramps and injuries.
2. Improved Flexibility: A warm-up includes stretches that help to enhance flexibility, which decreases the risk of muscle strains and pulls.
3. Mental Preparation: It allows you to mentally prepare for the activity by focusing your attention, improving concentration, and promoting a better mind-muscle connection.

On the other hand, a cool-down is a necessary step after completing vigorous activity. It involves performing low-intensity exercises and stretching to gradually lower the heart rate, return the body temperature to normal, and prevent blood pooling in the muscles. The main goals of a cool-down are:

1. Gradual Recovery: It helps the body gradually transition from an active state to a resting state, which aids in waste removal, reduces muscle soreness, and facilitates the recovery process.
2. Prevents Dizziness and Faintness: A cool-down allows the heart rate and blood pressure to decrease gradually, preventing dizziness or feelings of faintness that can occur when abruptly stopping vigorous activity.
3. Enhances Flexibility: Incorporating static stretches during the cool-down phase helps to maintain or improve flexibility gained during the warm-up.

Now, let's evaluate the provided options:

1. "Proper warm-up" - While a warm-up is important to prevent injury, it is best to also include a cool-down phase to maximize the benefits and reduce potential risks.

2. "Proper warm-up and cool-down" - This option is correct. Including both a warm-up and cool-down in your routine helps to optimize your performance, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance recovery.

3. "Proper cool-down" - While a cool-down alone is beneficial, combining it with a warm-up is more effective in preventing injury and promoting overall wellness.

4. "Proper warm-up and stretching" - Although stretching is a crucial part of a warm-up routine, it is recommended to include both a warm-up phase and a cool-down phase.

Therefore, the correct answer is "proper warm-up and cool-down" (option 2).