How much energy is transferred to an electric kettle that is rated at 3 kilowatts if it is switched on for three minutes?

The energy transferred can be calculated using the formula:

energy = power x time

where power is given in kilowatts and time is given in minutes.

Converting the power rating of the kettle to watts:

3 kilowatts = 3,000 watts

Converting the time to seconds:

3 minutes = 180 seconds

Using the formula:

energy = 3,000 watts x 180 seconds
energy = 540,000 joules

Therefore, the energy transferred to the electric kettle in three minutes is 540,000 joules.

To calculate the energy transferred to an electric kettle, you can use the formula:

Energy (in kilowatt-hours) = Power (in kilowatts) × Time (in hours)

Given that the electric kettle is rated at 3 kilowatts and switched on for three minutes, we need to convert the time to hours.

First, let's convert 3 minutes to hours:
3 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.05 hours

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:
Energy = 3 kilowatts × 0.05 hours

Energy = 0.15 kilowatt-hours

Therefore, the energy transferred to the electric kettle is 0.15 kilowatt-hours.