Use the slider to heat the kettle. *Be sure you have your Energy Symbols on. Use the legend in the top right corner to watch how energy is transformed in the system**

How is energy transferred in this system? (Place them in order start to finish)

Reorder answers
1.Mechanical Energy
Reorder answers
2.Light Energy
Reorder answers
3.Thermal Energy

Start: Mechanical Energy

Next: Thermal Energy
Finish: Light Energy

To heat the kettle, energy is transferred in the following order:

1. Mechanical Energy: When you use the slider, you are applying mechanical energy to move it and adjust the settings on the kettle.

2. Light Energy: Once the slider is adjusted, an electrical current is generated, which produces light energy in the form of an indicator light on the kettle. This indicates that the heating element is activated.

3. Thermal Energy: The electrical energy is then transformed into thermal energy. The heating element inside the kettle converts the electricity into heat, raising the temperature of the water or liquid inside the kettle. This thermal energy is what ultimately heats the contents of the kettle.

To determine the order of energy transfer in this system, we can observe the transformation of energy by using the provided legend in the top right corner.

1. Start with the kettle being heated. In this case, the energy transfer begins with the input of electrical energy. The electrical energy is converted into thermal energy in the kettle, which causes the water inside to heat up.

2. As the water heats up, thermal energy is transferred to the surroundings through conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction occurs when the heat is transferred through direct contact with the kettle and the surrounding objects or air. Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through the movement of fluids, such as the hot water rising and cold air sinking near the kettle. Radiation refers to the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, such as the heat radiating from the surface of the kettle.

3. Finally, we can observe the generation of light energy. Some kettles have an indicator light that turns on when the kettle is being heated. This light is usually powered by the electrical energy that was initially input into the system, before being converted to thermal energy.

Therefore, the correct order of energy transfer in this system would be:

1. Electrical energy (input)
2. Thermal energy
3. Light energy (output)