How much energy is transferred to an electric kettle that is rated at 3 kilowatts if it is on for three minutes?

To solve the problem, we can use the formula:

Energy = Power x Time

where Power is the rating of the electric kettle in kilowatts (kW) and Time is the duration of its operation in minutes.

In this case:

Power = 3 kW
Time = 3 minutes

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Energy = 3 kW x 3 minutes

Energy = 9 kilowatt-minutes (kWmin)

Note that this is not the same as kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is a more commonly used unit of energy in household electricity bills. To convert kWmin to kWh, we need to divide by 60 (the number of minutes in an hour), which gives:

Energy = 9 kWmin ÷ 60 = 0.15 kilowatt-hours (kWh)

Therefore, the amount of energy transferred to the electric kettle in three minutes of operation is 9 kWmin or 0.15 kWh.

To determine the amount of energy transferred to an electric kettle, you can use the formula:

Energy (in kilowatt-hours) = Power (in kilowatts) x Time (in hours)

Since the given time is in minutes, it needs to be converted to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 3 minutes is equal to 3/60 = 0.05 hours.

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Energy = 3 kilowatts x 0.05 hours

Energy = 0.15 kilowatt-hours

Therefore, the electric kettle will transfer 0.15 kilowatt-hours of energy if it is on for three minutes.