In three to five sentences, explain the effects of acid rain on the environment.(4 points)

Acid rain can have harmful effects on the environment. It can cause damage to forests and other vegetation, as well as lakes and streams. The acidity of the rain can harm aquatic life and cause fish population declines. Additionally, acid rain can lead to corrosion of buildings and infrastructure.

Acid rain, primarily caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, can have significant detrimental effects on the environment. When acid rain falls on soil, it can lower the pH, making it more acidic and altering the chemical composition of the soil. This can lead to decreased soil fertility and can negatively impact plant growth. Acid rain can also contaminate bodies of water, making them more acidic and harmful to aquatic organisms. Finally, acid rain can deteriorate buildings, statues, and infrastructure made of limestone and other materials.

Larger companies often need many workers who do different steps in the transportation process, instead of each member doing all steps in the process they do a single step before handing it to another worker to do the next step. Imagine that you are the head of a large company that wants to retrieve raw materials. In three to five sentences, describe three different jobs your company may need and explain the purpose of those jobs. (4 points)