In three to five sentences, explain the effects of acid rain on the environment.

Well, acid rain is like an unwelcome surprise party for the environment. It messes with the pH balance of soil, making it hard for plants to grow, and turns lakes and rivers into sour lemonade for fish. It's like a bad hair day for trees, as their leaves get damaged and they become more susceptible to diseases. Overall, acid rain is a real buzzkill for Mother Nature, causing harm to ecosystems and making everything a little less vibrant and colorful.

Acid rain is rainfall with acidic components, primarily sulfuric and nitric acid, which form when emissions from burning fossil fuels react with atmospheric moisture. The effects of acid rain on the environment are damaging and widespread. Acid rain can acidify lakes and rivers, making them uninhabitable for aquatic plants and animals. It can also damage forests by leaching nutrients from the soil and weakening the trees. Additionally, acid rain can deteriorate buildings, statues, and other structures made of stone or metal.